Blog Feed Image Editor

In the online store, product images often have different dimensions. Editing them all in a single format can be tedious. In addition, advertising systems vary in requirements. Your product images will not get into the advertisement if you don't meet them.

What opportunities will summer and the beginning of autumn bring? We have added other advertising options for the next three months to our e-commerce calendar. It also includes a national video games day, book lovers day, or a day without plastic bags. Use them to your advantage and connect to the calendar simply via Google or print a PDF document.

This time we will go back one step from Facebook images and their modifications - to the product catalog, which is essential for advertising on Facebook. Its creation is simple. Let's go through it together.

Guide customers to the next shopping step using a call-to-action label or inform them about a discounted product price. Use product images with embedded CTA or other text, for example, in advertising on Facebook and Instagram.

The requirements of comparison engines include the minimum and maximum dimensions of product images. Small as well as big photos can cause advertising problems. With the Feed Image Editor, you can filter and edit non-compliant product images.

Dynamic elements are no longer new in the Feed Image Editor app. By using them, your ads stay up-to-date, even if you frequently edit the feed. If you want to show the price of your products to customers, change its format from EUR to €. Or USD to $. See instructions on how to do this.